
Monday, August 13, 2012

True Blood Cocktail

I love True Blood. It is a fantastic show! While watching the most recent episode of True Blood I decided I wanted to try and create a Tru Blood drink. I rummaged through my kitchen for a while and realized that I really need to go grocery shopping.

I brewed some of my favorite black cherry tea, which has an awesome deep red color, using just a little bit of water to make it really concentrated. I stuck the tea in the freezer with an ice cube to cool it down. Then in a cosmo glass I poured some grenadine for thickness and more red color. Once the tea was cold I poured that into the glass and I had a lovely, thick, deep red drink.

Once I had my drink I just had to take a picture of it! But the lighting in my house is awful! What to do?

Make a ghetto light box is what. This thing was... Lame-sauce. No, really.

I took an empty Coke can box and ripped it up a bit.

Then I took 4 pieces of computer paper and layered those into the box.

Finally I aimed my desk lamp down into the box.

Once I had my ghetto box I placed my drink in and snapped some photos.

As you can see, the lines of the paper are abundantly clear. And were ridiculous to try and edit out.

I gave up on trying to edit the lines of the paper out. I tried a new tactic. I threw the photo into Pixelmator (my Photoshop stand-in) and created three layers.

Layer one was the glass. I edited out everything but the glass.
Layer two was the shadow. I used the eyedropper tool to take the color from one of the original shadows and I used that with the paintbrush tool. I had the paintbrush on 50% opacity and went over the area in layers to create a gradient.
Layer three was the background. I used the color from the eyedropper tool and lightened it up to create the background color. If I had used plain white it would not have looked right with the background color in the rim of the glass.

Finally I threw the picture back to Lightroom and I softened up the edges and sharpened the image.

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